With the increase in food industrialization, many foods are being linked to the appearance of cancerous lesions in the body.
Several studies on foods that can cause cancer are done, but few are able to reach definitive conclusions. The main reason is that people consume various foods during the day making it difficult to specify which food is bad for us.

There are also certain foods that in addition to having elements that cause cancer, also have a protective effect for our body, which makes it difficult to decide whether or not to eat them. In general, the physiological characteristics and healthy habits of individuals may also favor or not the appearance of certain types of cancer.
It is also important to clarify that when a food is classified as a cancer, it just means that there are studies, and sufficient evidence to link the food to the appearance of cancer, but it does not give an indication of the severity.
Therefore, we are often not sure which agents are more carcinogenic than others, and which foods are carcinogens and in what quantities.
Cancerous foods
The WHO stated that certain foods have been shown to have sufficient evidence of causing cancer in humans, and this list includes:
Alcoholic beverages
It was considered a group 1 carcinogen, which means that the evidence for an association between alcohol and cancer is very high, particularly for cancer of the mouth, breast, liver, stomach and intestine.
Processed meat
It is also a carcinogen of group 1, processed meat is all that undergoes a process of salting, curing, fermentation, smoking and others, in order to enhance the flavor. This list includes sausages, chorizo, bacon, ham, and sausages in general. The cancer most associated with processed and colorectal meat.
Red meat
Red meat is considered a source of important nutrients for humans, and has been classified by the WHO as a group 2 carcinogen, which means that it has no strong evidence. The recommendation is that it be consumed in a moderate way, and other foods may be alternatives to meat such as white meats, eggs, and beans. Bowel cancer was the one most linked to the consumption of red meat.
Soft drinks and sugary foods
Soft drinks and all drinks with added sugar are on the list of drinks that can cause cancer. It contains a high concentration of refined sugar, causing obesity which is a risk factor for the appearance of cancers. Most industrialized foods contain sugar and should be consumed sparingly.
White flour
The act of refining the flour causes it to lose all its nutritional values, and to make things worse, for commercial reasons, it is still subjected to a process to make it whiter, the action of products considered to be carcinogenic.
Non-organic fruits and vegetables
There is no efficient way to clean fruits and vegetables from agro-toxics, and sometimes they are introduced into the seeds and not just in the skin. Although the real association of pesticides with cancer lesions has not been proven, the addition of chemical elements that cause genetic alteration to fruits and vegetables indicates that we must be aware.
It has been proven that what we eat can influence the appearance of various types of cancer, and we must adopt a way to eat as healthy as possible.
It is best to reduce the amount of animal fat such as butter, cream, fatty cheeses, red meats, etc., to reduce or remove sugar from your diet even if they are sweeteners, and especially chocolates, sweets, cakes, etc. Reduce the intake of alcoholic beverages and increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, of fish rich in omega 3 such as tuna, salmon and sardines.
Increase the consumption of antioxidant foods such as spinach, carrots, oranges, tomatoes, cabbage, etc. and drinking water, at least 8 glasses of water a day as well as exercising, for at least 30 minutes every day, to improve immunity.