
Tips on how to keep control of asthma


Asthma is a chronic and inflammatory disease. When not treated properly, it can have serious impacts on the patient's life.

Asthma is one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases. The fact that it is popular sometimes leads people to think that it is not life-threatening, which is not true.

This disease affects the lungs leading to shortness of breath, fatigue and a wheezing sensation in the chest.

Although asthma is not curable, it can be treated and controlled to the point of reducing and preventing asthma attacks.

The consequences in the daily life of patients with uncontrolled asthma are insomnia, fatigue and reduced daily activities, which can compromise productivity at school or at work.

Some facts about asthma

Asthma has no cure

Asthma is a chronic disease and unfortunately there is no cure, there are only treatments to alleviate the symptoms.

The bomb is not addictive

The asthma pump usually contains a medication that helps relieve symptoms, not addictive. This pump ensures that the medication reaches the lungs in the most effective way.

Asthma needs special attention

Despite being a common disease, asthma needs to be monitored by trusted doctors, and medication continues. Without proper treatment, asthma can impact the patient's quality of life.

Asthmatics can practice sports

Exercise is important for fitness, and many exercises contribute to improving lung capacity on a daily basis. But it is always necessary a medical follow-up, to verify if the practice is adequate for the case.

Signs that your asthma is not under control

According to the GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma), the presence of one or more of the parameters below may indicate whether asthma is controlled or not, depending on the severity of the case:

  • Daytime symptoms more than twice a week
  • Nocturnal awakenings due to asthma
  • Use of rescue medication more than twice a week
  • Any activity limitation due to asthma

How to keep asthma under control

Know your triggers and avoid them

Triggers such as allergens and irritants can make asthma symptoms worse by irritating the airways. Make your list of allergens and avoid them.

Take your asthma medication as prescribed by your doctor.

Many people think that they can stop taking their asthma preventive (control) medications when they have no symptoms - this is not true.

Learn to use your inhaler correctly

Your doctor can show you how to use the inhaler properly so that the medicine reaches your airways. Ask him to watch you use your inhaler.


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