
Tips on how to increase self-esteem


Self-esteem is the assessment we make of ourselves, low self-esteem can be reversed through simple and routine attitudes.

Everyone has moments of doubt regarding their abilities or the ability to face a challenge, but when it is constant it can generate more serious emotional problems.

Some of the symptoms of low self-esteem are similar to those of depression and anxiety. To combat the lack of self-esteem, the first step must be to understand what self-esteem is and how we build our own.

Self esteem

Some people like to think of self-esteem as that inner voice that tells us if we are good enough to achieve something. People with high self-esteem are confident and positive about themselves, and this makes them more easily overcome situations of failure.

There are many reasons that lead us to have low self-esteem. The most common situations start during childhood when we are unable to exceed the expectations of family members, teachers, or friends. In adulthood it can also be the result of a failed relationship, either personal or work.

People who are victims of sexual abuse or domestic violence often have low self-esteem, because the abuser makes the victim feel bad and scorned.

How to improve self-esteem

Identify and challenge your negative thoughts about yourself

Clearly identify your negative thoughts, for example: "I don't have the patience to do this", when you think like that, look for good reasons and the positive part to really do it.

Look at your positive aspects, and write in your diary the achievements you have had, so that you remember that your negative thoughts about yourself are not true.

Identify positive aspects about yourself

It is also a good idea to write down your qualities in a diary, whether you are good at playing a sport, whether you are good at performing a specific task, or simply any praise you have recently received.

Build positive relationships and avoid negative ones

You have probably realized that some people, and some relationships, make you feel better than others. If you notice that there are people who make you feel bad about yourself, try to spend less time with these people or tell them how your actions or words make you feel.

Don't beat yourself up so much

Our levels of self-esteem can change from day to day as well as from hour to hour. Some people feel more relaxed with family and friends and more shy with strangers. Do not blame yourself for failing to reach the expectations of others, and more than that, avoid verbalizing negative things about yourself to others, as this reinforces even more negativism.

Learn to say no

People with low self-esteem often find it difficult to defend themselves or say no to others. This means that they can be overwhelmed at home or at work, because they do not like to refuse anything to anyone, which can increase stress.

Improve your fitness

Try more exercise, eat well and get enough sleep. It is also a good idea to take the time to relax and do something you want, instead of something someone else expects you to do. You may find that simple changes like this can make a big difference in your overview.

Accept challenges

People with low self-esteem generally avoid challenging and difficult situations. One way to improve your self-esteem can be to accept a challenge. This does not mean that you need to do everything yourself. By being successful, you show that you can achieve a goal if you really want to.

The importance of small steps

It is very unlikely that you will go from a low self-esteem to a good one overnight.

Instead, you will probably find that you have made small improvements over time. The key is to look at the long term, rather than the day-to-day, and focus on the big picture, not the details of how you felt at any given time.

Over time, it will become a habit and you will find that your self-esteem has slightly improved.


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