
Suicide - how we can help to prevent


Suicide is among the leading causes of death in the world, killing one person every 40 seconds. Learn how to identify signs early.

Suicidal thoughts are frequent in people with a psychological problem that has not been identified or treated. They result from the interaction of several associated causes, among which the most common is severe depression.

Suicide - how we can help to prevent

Most of the time, people who intend to commit suicide warn that they will kill themselves, depending only on the person who receives the information, to intervene as quickly as possible and in the best way. All threats of suicide must be taken seriously even when they appear to be false or manipulated.

Suicidal behavior, divided into suicidal thinking, attempted suicide, and suicide. The suicide attempt is most often repeated. The truth is that the suicidal person does not want to die but to stop suffering. It is necessary to know how to transmit hope, without giving false guarantees, and not to make promises that cannot be kept.

Most individuals who commit suicide are male, and adolescents. Mozambique has one of the highest percentages of suicide in African countries.

Warning signs

Warning signs cannot be considered in isolation, there must be an assessment of behavior in general. Unfortunately, there is no correct way to identify the signs, but an individual in distress can give some signs that catch the attention of those closest to them.

Concern about death, or lack of hope - People with suicidal behavior can talk about death and suicide more than usual, and confess to feeling hopeless, with a lack of self-esteem and without a positive view of their future life.

Expression or ideas of suicidal intentions - Some expressions may indicate that the individual shows a desire to end his life, such as: "I would rather be dead", "I can't do anything", "I can't take it anymore", "I am one loser and a burden for others ", or "Others will be happier without me", "I will disappear ", "I will leave you alone", "I wish I could sleep and never wake up", "It is useless to do something to change”, “I just want to kill myself”.

Isolation - People can isolate themselves, not answering phone calls, stay indoors, participate less in
social networks. He has a tendency to reduce or cancel all social activities, especially those that he
did normally and that he liked to do.

Situations vulnerable to suicide

Some specific situations in society with job loss, political and economic crises, discrimination based on sexual or gender orientation, psychological / physical aggression, suffering at work, decreased or lack of self-care, family conflicts, loss of a loved one, chronic illnesses painful or disabling, can be more difficult to overcome, causing vulnerability, and should be taken into account if the individual shows other warning signs.

How it can help a person at risk of suicide

Look at the signs - don't interpret the signs as if they were nothing. When someone changes their behavior, or goes into isolation, or talks about committing suicide, they urgently need attention.

Listen carefully - Talk less and listen more, do not judge the person and avoid giving quick advice to calm the anguish like saying "this is nothing", "soon it will pass", "it is not the best solution".

Encourage the search for professionals - emergency or short term, offer to accompany a health professional or someone you trust.

Don't leave him alone - if you think the person is in immediate danger, don't leave him alone. If the person lives with you, cut off access to means to cause your own death (insecticides, medicines, firearms, etc.).


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